Ski slopes
Get to Know the Ski Slopes on Jahorina
Jahorina is a mountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina that is extremely rich in ski slopes, and is therefore very popular among winter sports enthusiasts. The ski slopes on Jahorina are an incredible 55 kilometers long, of which 45 are alpine and 10 kilometers are Nordic ones. Some of the most famous are: Poljice Ski Slope, Ogorjelica 1 and 2, Novak Đoković Slope, Rajska dolina /the Valley of Heaven/, Olympic Slalom, Olympic Giant Slalom, Olympic Downhill, Prača... Each of these slopes has its own specificities and advantages and will satisfy all your criteria and expectations. They differ in the difficulty of the descent, and we distinguish between easy, medium and difficult slopes. They can be reached by a well-designed ski transport, of which the Jahorina mountain is particularly proud. Skiing on Jahorina is a special experience that you must treat yourself as well as your little ones with, because Jahorina also has ski slopes that are intended exclusively for them. There are special ski kindergartens that will prepare the youngest skiers to hit the slopes. Jahorina also offers ski school services, and experienced instructors will prepare you in the best possible way for new skiing ventures. What is also important is that the trails are interconnected and it is possible to switch from one to another and thus make your descent even more interesting. Regardless of your level of experience, Jahorina will offer you skiing opportunities adapted to you
Poljice Ski Slope
The ski slope that represents a real skiing challenge on Jahorina is definitely the Poljice Ski Slope. It is the most popular, but at the same time the most demanding trail, with a length of 1700 meters, intended for experienced skiers. The starting altitude is 1880 meters, and the finishing altitude is 1550 meters. The descent down this ski slope is a special experience because it contains parts of medium difficulty and combines them with more demanding segments, which makes a perfect base for improving the skier's skills. The start of the Poljice Ski Slope is at the Poljice plateau, which is the centre of all events on Jahorina. There are hotels, restaurants, ski schools, and many other amenities. This ski slope is the right choice if you are a fan of night skiing because it is illuminated by ice lighting, and with music that is unavoidable, you will experience a special type of skiing in an unforgettable atmosphere.
Saznaj VišeOgorjelica 1 Ski Slope
The second most demanding, but no less interesting slope is the Ogorjelica 1 Ski Slope, which is one of the three best on Jahorina. The total length of the slope is 1400 m, with a starting altitude of 1880 meters and a finishing altitude of 1560 meters. It is not recommended for beginners who have not mastered the basics of skiing. Descent down this slope is a special skiing feat combined with a view of the beautiful areas that Jahorina offers.
Saznaj VišeOgorjelica 2 Ski Slope
The Ogorjelica 2 Ski Slope belongs to the category of medium-demanding slopes and is intended for skiers who have certain skiing skills. The length of this slope is 950 meters, with a starting altitude of 1880 m and a finishing altitude of 1650 m. It is connected to the Ogorjelica 1 Slope, and it is possible to cross from one slope to another, which gives a special experience of the dynamics of skiing. Also, from this ski slope it is possible to connect to the Prača Ski Slope.
Saznaj VišeRajska dolina Ski Slope /The Valley of Heaven/
Due to its characteristics, the Rajska dolina Ski Slope belongs to the category of medium difficulty slopes. This makes it interesting for slightly more advanced beginners or those experienced skiers who want a little less adrenaline. One thing is certain, the Rajska Dolina Ski Slope will not leave both groups indifferent. The length of this slope is 800 meters and the altitude difference is 206 meters above sea level. In its central part, there is a six-seater called Rajska dolina, which leads all the way to the top of the mountain. At the exit station there is a special place, one can even say iconic. There you will find a small lift that leads to the Olympic Downhill Ski Slope, where the Olympics were held in 1984. The Rajska dolina Ski Slope offers a wide range of possibilities, and is definitely a place you should not miss while staying in Jahorina.
Saznaj VišeNovak Djoković Ski Slope
The ski slope on Jahorina intended primarily for beginners is the Novak Đoković Ski Slope. This slope is the newest among the slopes, it started operating in 2019. It is categorized as a low-demand slope, which is most often visited by recreationalists, beginners with their ski instructors, as well as those who have not skied for many years and want to renew their basic skills before embarking on more demanding slopes. The Novak Djoković Ski Slope is connected to the Ogorjelica 1 and Poljice slopes.
Saznaj VišeOlympic Slalom and Olympic Downhill
As is widely known, the Mountin of Jahorina hosted the 1984 Winter Olympics. Accordingly, Jahorina has two ski slopes that belong to the category of difficult slopes, intended for true professionals and experienced skiers. These are Olympic Slalom and Olympic Downhill. The Olympic Slalom ski slope is 551 meters long, and the altitude difference is 181 meters above sea level. On the other hand, the Olympic Downhill is 2021 m long, and the altitude difference is 547 meters above sea level. They will definitely be enjoyed by all those who have many years of skiing experience behind them and who want to push their limits.
Saznaj VišeLuksuz i ugođaj u savršenom skladu
The diverse offer of accommodation on Jahorina makes it a frequent choice for tourists and visitors. The various possibilities it offers, in accordance with the wishes and preferences of the guests, contribute to its dominant place in the winter tourism of Bosnia. Regardless of whether you like classic types of accommodation, luxurious ones or you are the type who prefers adventure, Jahorina is here to offer you exactly what you are looking for. If you like comfort, a luxury hotel is the right choice for you. A hotel such as the Termag hotel will provide you with comfort and a warm atmosphere. The variety of accommodation units of the Termag hotel will meet all your expectations. If, however, you are a fan of more traditional options, the mountain houses are for you, which carry with them a special rustic note. There are also a large number of private apartments, as well as hostels as slightly more affordable options. If you are a true adventurer, camping is probably the option for you. This mountain beauty certainly offers you that option. Jahorina, as the pearl of mountain tourism, will offer you a wide range of accommodation options. It is up to you to choose what suits you best.
Saznaj VišeRecommendations for Skiers
Skiing is an unpredictable sport, which, despite your skiing experience, can surprise you. It brings with it a special joy and adrenaline, and with the observance of certain tips and recommendations, the skiing experience will be even more unforgettable. As for choosing a slope, the rules are very simple: beginners choose ski slopes that are marked in green, while red and black slopes are intended for experienced skiers. For those who are between these two extremes, the ski slopes marked in blue are recommended.
When skiing, it is necessary to be present and concentrated and to respect the rules on the slope and signage. In this way, you will contribute to the smooth running of the processes. The ski equipment you wear must be in accordance with your skiing skill. In addition, regular ski maintenance guarantees a safe and secure ski descent. A helmet is a mandatory part of the equipment, because your safety comes first.
Skiing is a sport that takes a lot of energy and strength, so it is necessary to hydrate and eat regularly in order to be able to meet all the skiing challenges you set for yourself. Take regular breaks, rest, and continue your skiing trip successfully.
Book nowSki Ponude
Naša ponuda uključuje 71 sobu i 21 apartman, uključujući ekskluzivni predsjednički apartman. Svaki prostor je pažljivo dizajniran, sa ručno izrađenim namještajem od drveta i rustičnim elementima koji odražavaju bogatstvo pla

Noćno skijanje
Pored toga što je planina Jahorina izuzetno zanimljiva skijašima i ljubiteljima snijega i zimskih sportova, ona nudi i brojne druge aktivnosti za uživanje i opuštanje. Noćno skijanje je jedno posebno iskustvo koje vam toplo preporučujemo da isprobate ukoliko do sada niste. Jahorina je noću jedno magično mjesto, koje uz rasvjetu zablista jednim posebnim svjetlom. Atmosfera na noćnom skijanju je neponovljiva te predstavlja poseban izazov i izuzetno zanimljivu skijašku avanturu.

Škola Skijanja
Ski škole na Jahorini su tu da vas brzo i efikasno nauče osnovama skijanja, te da vas pripreme za skijaške izazove koji vas čekaju. Iskusni i ljubazni instruktori skijanja će vas na najbolji način pripremiti za ovaj novi svijet.

wellness & spa
Za dane kada želite odmoriti i možda preskočiti spuštanje niz ski staze Jahorine, tu su brojni wellness & spa centri koji će vam pomoći da napunite svoje baterije. Prepustite se masažama, plivanju, sauni i mnogim drugim sadržajima koji su u ponudi kako biste se opustili i pripremili svoje tijelo za nove sportske avanture.

Gastronomska ponuda
Na Jahorini ćete pronaći veliki broj restorana koji služe vrhunsku hranu, kako tradicionalnu tako i jela modernije kuhinje. Gastronomska ponuda Jahorine je nešto što će probuditi sva vaša osjetila i učiniti da uživate u svakom zalogaju. Dobra hrana je nešto po čemu se ova planina zaista izdvaja i na što je posebno ponosna.

Turističke agencije
Turističke agencije često imaju u ponudi specijalne aranžmane i posebne pakete sa pogodnostima koje gostima otvaraju nove mogućnosti uživanja. To su najčešće paketi koji uključuju smještaj, ski pass i korišćenje wellness & spa centra, kao i mnogi drugi dodatni sadržaji. Cijene su najčešće pristupačnije i prilagođene tako da gosti po povoljnijoj cijeni sebi priušte što više sadržaja.